----------------------------------------------------------------------- SOME HINTS FOR THE V42.b OWNERS RETYPED BY THE GODFATHER/RAMJAM THIS FILE WAS DOWNLOADED FROM OUR WHQ THE ELECTRIC CHAIR +39(0)-19-811782 ----------------------------------------------------------------------- HST 14.4 V.42b Setting for High Speed Transmission This Bulletin started as a message to a member. I have captured it to a bulletin to help those with the HST 14.4 V.42bis. chips. If you have a specific problem not answered herein, please leave PUBLIC MAIL. I will answer your questions and hopefully remember to modify this file for future reference of others. Remember this BULLETIN ASSUMES: 1. You have the NEW serial.device and use either ANSIcomm or AZcomm V2.5. Online, JRcomm or other packages have not proven to date to be either as fast or reliable. HST 14.4 (without V.42bis)-use following except use &K0 HST settings for 14.4 V.42bis atz >ok atB1C1E1F1M1Q0V1X4&W >ok at&A0&B1&C1&D2&G0&H1&I0&J0&K3&L0&M4&W >ok at&P0&R2&S0&X1&Y1S11=38S21=001S26=000S15=008&W >ok INTERNATIONAL SETTINGS: atb0&W This is to accept the guard tones from European, Canadian and other V.32 except Bell...uses CCITT standards. SYSOPS: In modem setup string on CONFIG1 Screen 3, set G2 at the end. This is necessary with Great Britain and other European systems that use different guard tones. Using these setting will not affect U.S. Callers whatsoever normally. You may find that you have to set HST register S28=013 to allow a longer time sequence in the answering of both US and European callers, but that it otherwise will not affect anything. Remember, LD means "long distance". So expect rates to vary from far away places. At times European friends do 1650-1700 cps.....other times the ARQ and CS lights will play "blinkem". Hey, it's a long call and a lot of interconnections between here and there so expect that the connec- tion can sometimes not be 100% and be low dB or noisy. *************************************************************************** 1. The above was broken into 3 lines of code due to the length of the complete reset and assumes you issue the ATZ command from your terminal program (AZcomm, JRcomm, etc) 2. DO NOT EVER RESET USING.....AMIMODEM, TARSET, or similar command NRAM setter as previous setting conflict with the new V.42bis settings and cause serious degradation. 3. ISSUE: ATI5 and ATI4 commands to confirm that NRAMS and current settings are to these values....others should be to listed factory default values. +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ PREFERENCES: 1. RATE 19,200 baud 2. F8N1 3. RTS/CTS handshaking (MANDATORY!!!!) 4. Buffering 4K--->try reducing to 2K after initial trials if rate below 1640cps or if SD/TR/CS/RS lights blink with an established V.42bis system that is known to operate correctly. NOTE: If you have a "slow HD" you may have to use a larger buffer to avoid delays due to the HD write time. 14ms is a "fast" HD and 28ms is a "reasonable speed" if you have it optimized as to interleave and priority. ------------------------------------------------------------------------- OS: CAUTION: IF YOU DON"T KNOW DOS...DO NOT MESS AROUND IN THESE AREAS!!! This is specific instructions for experienced people only!!! MS-DOS: You may wish to use 38.4K DME/DTE and work closely with the optimization of interleaves on HDrives as MS-DOS does not easily allow TASK PRIORITY HANDLING like a multi-task system. 1. TASKPRI CHANGES a. HD, Term, HD handler (SCSI) should all be at Taskpri 12 (use artm and set approx 3 below BUS or 7 below input.device) 2. b. IF u/d to ram:....use ASDG VDK:/VD0: recoverable dynamic "ram" being certain to change the taskpri to 12 ========================================================================== Notes: 1. If done correctly your modem should not "blink" in d/ling every 7-11K while writing to HD/ram: and should continuous receive/send data. If you have sporatic loss of RD/CS lights, this is due to delays between buffer and writes from DME/DTE. If SD/RS lights "wink" then you are not loading and sending data.....again check taskpris and DME/DTE linking. 2. In ALL CASES: TR and MR should be SOLID RED!! 3. Wavering ARQ or SYN.....or a shifting lights where AA and possibly RD/SD go erratic indicate a severe system malfunction and setup failure. CAVEATS: 1. Some modems which are non-HST which have MNP Level 5 9600 will be unable to properly connect with the &M4&K3. These you can only call at 2400 and are likely to be university sites, businesses or other 9600 MNP-5 users. From your terminal issue: AT&K0&M4 -this should establish a clear 2400 connection. *******Don't forget to reset to AT&K3&M4 upon DISCONNECTING******* REMEBER TO GIVE A CALL TO THE ELECTRIC CHAIR / RAMJAM WHQ +39-(0)19-811782